Now that I have a
new job in Greenville, I have a solid hour drive to and from work. Some people groan when I tell them that, but I definitely think it is a good thing for me. It's time in the morning to prepare for my day. I pray on my way there. I listen to the radio and hear some news. I have time to make a mental to-do list for that day. I get to have a giant cup of coffee that really gets my day started off right. It's quite refreshing actually.

On the drive home I have time to jam to some tunes, listen to an audiobook, or just chill and wind down from a hard days work. Lately though, I have found a renewed interest. I have a copy of the Bible on my iPhone. It's the
NIV Dramatized Audio Bible and it's actually really interesting to listen to. I know some people think "you can't learn from the Bible just by listening to it, you have to read it and study it". I find this to be only partially true for myself. I feel like I am partly an auditory learner. Listening helps me focus on what is being said and I can focus on the context instead of having to focus my mind on actually reading the words. I've amazed myself in the past couple of weeks. I decided to start listening to the Bible where it was most the beginning...Genesis. I've been listening everyday on my drive home and (at the time of writing this) I am almost through Leviticus. What?!?! Technically I've listened to 7 hours of the Bible and I've almost blown through the first three chapters. By "blown through" I don't mean I've just let it play and not paid attention. I've listened to every word and it's definitely sparked a few things in my mind.

I'm enthralled with the history and genealogy of the Bible right now. Not the actually reading of "so and so beget so and so", but bigger questions old is the Earth? what does the biblical "family tree" look like? how many people were there when the flood came? what did the ark really look like? why did God seemingly repeat himself over and over in Exodus and Leviticus? if there were 600,000 men when Moses lead them out of Egypt, how many people were really there? how in the world did Moses tell 600,000 men what God told him?
My mind is full of questions that makes me want to study the Bible more. Now if that's not what reading the Bible is supposed to do, then I don't know what it's supposed to do. I'll make sure to post about some of the more interesting questions that come up.
I hope this little blurt inspires you to dig deeper into the Bible and maybe you can help me out with some of my questions. Let me know in the comments!