Oh how I miss being in Costa Rica...

I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I do. I have spent less than a month there in a year, but when we arrived there this year I felt like I was home. Last year I felt a little out of place, but as the trip went on, I grew more and more comfortable with my surroundings. This year however, I felt like I had been on a long term vacation in The States. I'm not really sure I can explain the feeling of being there in the mountains surrounded by all of God's beauty. It just feels right being there.
God showed me tons while I was there. He affirmed that I was at the right job and that we, Heather and I, were on the right path with the adoption. I hadn't really been doubting that God wanted us to adopt, it was just that I was harboring feelings of disappointment. Disappointment in God not answering my prayers with the answers I wanted...how selfish of me! I wanted God to provide us a child of our own so we could experience the joy of the months leading up to having a baby. I wanted to enjoy going to the doctor and seeing Heather's face during an ultrasound. I wanted to see Heather's belly grow as the baby grew... I wanted a lot... I wanted what God didn't have in store for myself and for Heather. As I sat on top of the mountain over looking Grano de Oro, I prayed to God for clarity and confirmation. He gave it to me in the form of Vacation Bible School.
Our team had the wonderful opportunity to minister to the children of Grano de Oro for three afternoons. We played games with them, we sang songs with them, we performed skits for them, we taught them about the Bible with stories, puppets, and activities, and we gave them candy and trinkets. While we were with them, it was amazing to see them grow closer to us. At first they were stand off-ish, but after the second day they were happy to see us and wanted to be there with us. Seeing all those kids wanting to be loved reopened my eyes to the fact that there are children in this world/country/state/city that don't have a family and they don't have someone to tell them they did a good job or even give them a hug. I can't wait to complete everything on our To-Do list for the adoption. I know God is helping us through this process and I know He will walk hand in hand with us...through the good and the bad.
God can do miraculous things even when you don't realize you need them. Please be in prayer for Heather and I as we continue down the road of adoption.