So if you didn't know,
we are pregnant with an already beautiful baby girl (insert biggest daddy smile ever). Our due date is May 18 and that may seem like a decent amount of time away, but when you're the expecting's coming up waaaay too fast! We have been loving the pregnancy through thick and thin and feel so blessed by God to experience this. As of today we are 30 weeks....whoa, whoa....that sounds totally crazy in my head as I write this. God is so amazing and awesome and beyond description. I feel so loved and am so proud to be called a son of God. We are so excited to hold our little baby girl in our arms. The anticipation is slightly overwhelming at times, but I know that there will be plenty of time for us to hold her. I for one will probably be very stingy with her...I can imagine me just sitting at home every night holding her till I'm too tired to hold her any more and then continue to hold her. Heather is going to have to pretty much pry her away from me. :) She's already too spoiled by me, but I don't care. :)
Anyway, before I get too deep into a post about how much I already love our little baby girl (that's another whole post in itself), I wanted to post a pic of Heather's preggo belly. She's so beautiful!
30 Weeks |