I am so ready to go back to Costa Rica this year. I can't truly express how excited and happy I am to be going back. I am really excited to see how God will use our team to bless the Jones' and the villagers in Grano de Oro. Heather and I have been truly blessed financially this year and I am in awe of that. I was concerned at the beginning of the year about coming up with the money to go, but I knew God wanted us to go and He would provide everything we needed.
Truly amazed. God is good.
Stay tuned for many posts about our experiences in Costa Rica.
I love Pandora Radio. It's such a great way to find new bands that sound similar to bands you already know and love. I've been infatuated with two bands lately, Fair and Deas Vail. Both bands have a more mellow, indie rock sound compared to other bands that I listen to so I'm definitely on a new musical genre kick. Anyway, I was listen to my Deas Vail station on Pandora and a song came up that I loved and wanted to hear it again right then, but all I could do was write it down and find it later. So I found it and I want to share it with all of you.
Wow...it's been a while. I'm not really sure why I took a break from Musical Mondays. I think it started with having to take a furlough the first week of July. That really threw me off for a while, but now I'm back and ready for lots of great tunes.
Today's selection comes from Leeland. 'Wake Up' is a song that will get you pumped and make you want to serve the Lord in anyway possible. It's a fairly simple song, but the message that you get from the lyrics far out weighs the simplicity of the music.
I'm letting everybody in on a way to track my runs and kind of keep me accountable. How far I run, where I run, how fast I run, etc. It's a pretty cool little iPhone app that syncs up with a website where you can see everything I see. I'm not sure how often I will be running, but I think my buddy and I will run a couple times a week.
We'll start tomorrow morning with a little run. It'll probably be a short, slow run just to get us back in the groove. I'll keep you posted on how we are doing here, but to see everything you can check out the link below.